Schultz Process Services (SPS)

Schultz Process Services (SPS) specializes in state of the art mechanical separation technology. Their product line offers the latest in separation technology including Vane, Filter, and Cyclone Separators.
SPS utilizes over 150 years experience specializing in the separation industry to provide the most efficient & economical solution for you processing needs.



Vane technology provides compact sizing, high efficiency and 100% turndown capabilities, as well as low pressure drop. Vane technology allows a wide range of configurations to meet application requirements.

  • 316L EDP patented vane technology

  • 3 Phase Applications

  • Combination of various SPS inlet devices

  • Inlet Multi-Swirlsep Centrifugal Devices

  • Conventional Tangential Inlet Devices

  • Inlet Pipe Diffuser

  • Dished Head Baffles ◾Vane Inlet Baffle

  • Slug Catchers

Reverse Flow Coalescers


Reverse flow coalescers (RFC) are used for applications requiring very high efficiency (0.3μ). In addition, the coalescer achieves the same performance removal of solid particles.

Design Features

RFC consist of a combination of two technologies:

1st Stage – Inlet chamber that employs one of the following features.

  • KO – inlet baffle
  • Vane mist extractor to reduce liquid loading to the elements
  • Multi Cyclone for liquid and/or solid removal prior to the elements


2nd Stage – Outlet chamber

  • High efficiency reverse flow coalescing elements

Filter Separators / Dry Gas Filters


The filter separation process involves the removal of solids, liquids or both from gas processing streams. Filter Separators are commonly used where high efficiency removal of both solids and liquids are required. Filter Separators consist of the combination of two technologies: filtration elements and vanes. Available in either horizontal or vertical vessel configuration.

Custom Features

  • Full instrumentation/skid packages
  • Quick opening closures for filter element removal
  • Sumps or Lower Barrel configuration

Design Features

  • Stainless steel constructed filter element carriers
  • USA manufactured filters
  • 316L EDP patented vanes

Single & Multi-Cyclones Centrifugal Separators


Multi-Cyclones are designed to provide high efficiency removal of both solids and liquids. MC2 designs have a 2-Stage configuration to handle slug flow, enabling a flexible and reliable design of separation for use in a wide range of harsh applications, i.e. asphaltenes, paraffins and foam as well as solids and liquids.

Design Features

Centrifugal separators are designed in either vertical or horizontal configurations. The vertical configuration is preferred when a large slug/liquid retention is required.

Benefit from our expert consultation services to choose the best products and configurations for your unique challenges.